Spring Hill Medical centre are proud to be supporting this campaign in the hope that this will encourage women to respond to their cervical screening invitation letter, and if they missed their last screening, to book an appointment with us.
Around 2,600 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in England each year, and around 690 women die from the disease, which is 2 deaths every day. It is estimated that if everyone attended screening regularly, 83% of cervical cancer cases could be prevented.
New research from Public Health England shows that nearly all women eligible for screening (90%) would be likely to take a test that could help prevent cancer - and of those who have attended screening, 9 in 10 (94%) would encourage others who are worried to attend their cervical screening. We can provide you with practical information about how to make the test more comfortable, to provide support and reassurance but we need your support. The more women we can encourage to get their screening, the better! That's why Spring Hill Medical Centre needs YOUR HELP to spread THE WORD!
Video: A video to explain what you can expect to happen during cervical screening
Information on cervical screening (smear test)